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LOCOL is a learning hub, a place to feed the curious mind.
Sign up now to learn, teach, or just learn more.
Some of the wide-ranging things we'll be offering: Yoga (Ashtanga; kids & teens; aerial); financial literacy; coding for kids; dinner table etiquette for the whole family; beautiful crafts like this, and this; home ec; growing organic foods from seed; seed saving; how to write a novel; Zumba.... Yup: from Ashtanga to Zumba and so much—for all ages—in between.
We'll also be offering coworking opportunities for entrepreneurs; human library sessions; and the SAFF: Sunday Afternoon Flea and Fly, with our friends and neighbours, Paradisaea Aerial Dance. We're even hoping to throw in a Repair Cafe—are you a fixer of things, perchance? ;)
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